Sunday, September 19, 2004

Wanted: ENT Office

I am starting a new ENT office and am looking for a laryngoscope, sinus endoscope, SMR cabinet, exam chair and otomicroscope.
Please contact me at

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Selling: Centrifuges

Tri City Med Has 2 Micro Hematocrit Centrifuge and about 4 tabletop centrifuge plus a wide range of Surgical tools.

Maisha Francis
TriCity Admin.
(310) 678-1463
P.S. Please reply to

Monday, September 13, 2004

Selling: Motorized wheel chair

Sale of a model 1121 jazzy motorized wheel chair. Purchased 2004 used about 2 mons. Its in very good condition and I would like to sell this unit now.

Contact me via e-mail at:

Selling: Wolf Light Source

I have a wolf light source ,leads, arthroscopic camera (Wolf) all in excellent condition ,used,for sale.
Contact e-mail is:

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Selling: Medical air compressor

I am interested in selling a Aridyne 3500 Medical Air Compressor. It is
manufactored by Allied Healthcare Products, Inc. It is brand new. The
contact information is:

Dr. Hany Aly

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Selling: X-Ray system used 5 times

I have a Summit, 30kW High Frequency, 300mA, 125 kVp, 400mAs, 20kHz high frequency technology. The tubestand is floor to wall/ceiling, 10" angulating tubearm with electic locks. The tube is 140,000HU, 1.0-2.0 MM focal spots, rotates 90 degrees. The wallstand is 17' x 17', stationary grid, 103 line, 10:1, travels from floor to 76", angulating wallstand.

I have a Kodak 1000A tabletop automatic processor.

Also included are caliper, safelight, id printer, markers, film bin, and cassettes. (2 14 x 17, 2 18 x 12, and 2 8 x 10, all 400 speed rare earth.

This info came directly off of the purchase order. Everything was purchased new in December 2001. As I mentioned, I may have taken 5 xrays
Contact me at:

Friday, September 03, 2004

Sell/Donate: Walkers

I have a number of walkers, hemi-canes and canes that are used. I would like to sell them or even donate them. Please contact me.

Selling: BD QBC Machines

We have two BD QBC machines, an older one and a QBC Star. We also have a Affirm DNA probe and a cholestech.
Contact Judi via e-mail