Wanted to purchase
My name is Kent Bian, I am the sales manager in Delaware Inter’nl Business Co., we are interested in purchasing the flowing medical products :
1. shaving/Depilatory Products. 2. umbilical cord scissor. 3.uterus detector.
4. stool bag( for waste). 5.urine collection bag. 6.urinary incontinence tools.. 7.stool incontinence tools.
We will need some sample product ,so we will appreciate if you can provide: First, what products above do you have? Second, what is the price for per unit including the Shipping and Handing fee?
Thanks and we are looking forwarding to your reply.
Kent Bian
Sales Manager
Delaware Inter’nl Business Co.
Fax: 302-453-0203
Cell: 215-704-0867
Email: bianang@verizon.net